Free Association Journaling

The goal of this exercise is to uncover any repressed feelings or unhelpful thought patterns resulting from the stressor/pressure that you have identified, and reframe them in a wav that can help the brain and the body to heal. The first half is designed to shine light on the deepest thoughts, feelings, and narratives surrounding the stressor. The second half is designed to honor these feelings, release them, and write a new narrative about the situation from a more rational loving perspective.


Set aside 20-30 minutes in a quiet place. This exercise may draw up uncomfortable emotions, so try and choose an environment where it feels safe to have an emotional response. You can complete this exercise through typing, pen and paper, or dictation software.

Part I

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes, and free-write about any negative thoughts and feelings you have in relation to this trait or situation. No matter what, keep writing. It's okay to get off track, as long as you follow your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes the mind makes surprising connections from one situation to another. Focus on your deepest emotion, whether they feel rational or not. Be very honest, writing down the thoughts and feelings that you would be mortified to speak aloud. Use phrases like "I feel..." and identify specific emotions like fear, anger, sadness, guilt, or shame. Try as hard as you can to experience those emotions as you write.

Part Il

Take a moment to pause, closing your eyes and breathing deeply. Find compassion for the feelings you just uncovered and experienced. Honor the feelings, and allow them to move through you freely. Take as long as you need to experience these feelings.

Part III

When you are ready, set another timer for 10-15 minutes. Reflect on what you wrote in Part I, which was largely driven by the unconscious, irrational side of your brain. Be careful not to judge these emotions, but to have compassion for them. Now, invite your rational brain into the conversation, and free write about what you understand. what you realize, and how you will choose to frame this situation going forward. Write freely, expressing any realizations about how these feelings connect to how you show up in the world. Write about what feelings are no longer serving you that you choose to release. Write down an new boundaries that will help you to move forward without anger or resentment.

Tyler March