Adult Counseling

Dealing with the responsibilities to the adult human experience can be overwhelming. The counseling I provide leads to a transformative acceptance of the “full catastrophe” of adult life, guiding you towards empowerment and a felt sense of unshakable security. More info…

Depression Treatment

The pain of depression can be unseen and beyond friends and loved ones capacity to support, despite their best efforts. I am experienced and confident in my skill to work patiently with depression in a way the promotes hope, insight, value, healing and meaning. More info…


Family relationships are most often accompanied by complicated misunderstanding and stress, taking away from the desired sanctuary of a home environment. In my office we will work together to promote the skills you family needs to develop lasting conflict resolution and a felt sense of peace and safety for everyone in the home. More info…

ANXIETY counseling

Anxiety is the deep unshakable sense that “something is wrong”. The physical, mental and emotional experience of anxiety can be terrifying. I am confident in my ability to work together and listen deeply to, cope with and fully feel your anxiety in a way the guides you to consistent calm confidence. More info…

GRIEF counseling

Grief is the path that leads you back to wholeness. Navigating that path alone can prove daunting and overwhelming to say the least. I would be my privilege to walk that path with you, using my clinical skills and training as roadmap towards healing through honoring the loss and integrating the experience. More info…


Paying attention to the present moment sounds simple enough, however the skills of mindfulness can be extremely difficult to practice and develop. My training and personal practice inform the mindfulness training I believe is so beneficial to therapeutic growth. More info…

NUTRITION counseling

Feeding our bodies what they are intuitively craving can be a very difficult task. Often times our relationship with food can provide windows for opportunities for deeper understanding and healing. Using simple whole food nutrition and validated supplements, we can develop a plan to truly satiate your body and mind. More info…


A trauma is any experience that has overwhelmed your ability to cope. Many of us have experienced traumas whose consequences are not fully seen of understood. My clinical training in integrative treatment of trauma can provide avenues for deep healing of the body and mind that leads you back to a deserved felt a sense of safety. More info…


Addiction always starts as a behavior that provided us with a felt sense of safety and relief we desperately needed at the time. Exploring the addiction with a compassionate curiosity in my office can provide you with insight guiding you towards behaviors that promote an empowered experience of relief and safety without the need for the substance or behavior. More info…


Both dealing with and being an adolescent can provide challenging, confusing and frustrating. I have years of experience and the utmost confidence in providing a welcoming space in my office to explore adolescent issues and connect with clients who “just dont need counseling”. More info…


The practice of yoga can be a perfect laboratory of therapeutic healing and growth. Yoga can confront you with the “issues held in the tissues”, meaning that the movement of your body can release unforseen paths to healing and deep insightful feeling. My training, practice and active teaching of yoga can be used in my office to promote deeper understanding of the Self you bring to your mat. More info…