Grief counseling

Whether anticipated, gradual, sudden or accidental, the experience of grief after a loss can be an extremely difficult life adjustment. You might be struggling with the loss of a loved one, a friend, a job, a pet, a particular identity or anything that once held value and meaning for you. If you have experienced a significant loss in your life (whether recent or long ago) then seeking the help of a mental health professional is an effective and often times necessary step in healing and processing the grief. Grief is a complex emotion and there is no timetable on a “normal grief process”. As your counselor, I will be able to create simple, measurable and attainable ways to move towards powerful integration and understanding of your loss. How each of us processes intense loss is unique to our past life experience, current life circumstances, and ability to cope difficult emotions. Working together we can create unique expressive interventions to experience your loss in a way that both honors the loss while creating solutions that lead you to a deeper interpersonal connection.

As a counselor experienced and educated in the treatment of grief an loss I will be able to guide you through the stages of grief in a way the educates, validates and provides real relief. Using the Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining and Acceptance Stage Model of Grief and Loss we will walk through the process in a way that increases your emotional intelligence, use of coping skills and existential insight. In my years of clinical work and educational training I have worked hand in hand with many grief-stricken individuals and find that by working in an honest and compassionate alliance we are able to create understanding and skill that increases the client’s confidence not only in relation to how he/she can handle the current loss, but also increasing the client’s confidence in relation to any possible further loss. I am excited to create a space for healing with you. Let’s get to work!